The first time i heard Cold Cave's new single "The Great Pan Is Dead", i had mixed feelings, mostly wanting to delete the mp3, and i did
Now, after hundreds of listens i want to pre-order the new album, buy a band t shirt, sticker and tickets to their show and sneak backstage and hang out with the band
I love Wes Eisold's work, from the blazing hardcore American Nightmare to the cold synthie-indie cave, but, this is totally different. I guess moving to NYC changed him and his artistic vision as this city has the tendency to metamorphose people (in a good way)
The content of this post should not be taken seriously, i just had a dream the other day visualizing some very weird, intense dystopian scenes. You should not be scared! Although it might happen!
So, according to my day-to-midnight-daydream, in 19 years from now:
Music will be controlled, as a free form of expression, every major release will be strictly monitored to not contain lyrics that "will do harm". Independent releases will be considered piracy and will be hunted down.
Television will become even more bland and boring, showing only aspects of the "good life" and eliminating programmes that are more "in depth" such as politics, economy and maybe even documentaries. People will only look, not learn.
As the dollar becomes weaker and weaker, prices and taxes will rise, putting the bullet in the head of the middle class.
Religious cults will multiply, in an attempt to try and "save" the souls of desperate citizens (especially in the south). All they want though is their money in order to bring in more members.
I would also say that there will be no more wars for oil but there will be for water, not sure about that though, as there is not much evidence.
Human relationships will become very weak, as the effects of the socioeconomical downfall will only make them try to survive in a "dog-eat-dog" way. Very sad.
Burglary/rape/murder/assault rate will ***ble/iple.
If the mental cancer (depression) is already a part of 1/3 of the population, imagine how many people it will be afffecting in 19 years.
There is a big question mark concerning recreational drugs. Whether they will be completely banned or not in order to bring some extra cash flow to the government cashiers.
Upon celebrating the event of my first 420 page views(!) i would like to share a story with you. First of all, check this page: FREE WEED
What do you think? Should cannabis/weed/pot/marijuana/mary jane/broccoli/turf/dope/stuff/nuggets be legal or not?
I believe Cannabis Sativa will/should never be legalized, as there are reason(s) behind every prohibition, most of which consent for the greater good. And that's the way it should be. All those talks regarding the "Amsterdam Project" that people will smoke less and less since it would be legal are bullshit. Weed is addictive, people will continue to smoke, and being legal, even more people will try it. I'm not saying it is a "bad" thing that will kill you and your brain cells from the first puffs nor am i a government geek, instead, smoking cannabis can do miracles and even cure mental health problems. But it is definitely not for everyone, as it can ruin your mental stability (which is even worse than being seriously physically ill, as long as you understand whats going on in your brain, if not then don't give a fuck) for a very long time in just a matter of minutes. Just like that. You can still smoke in your house, car, friend's house or junkie nightclub.
I also feel that it is every stoner's responsibility to smoke up to this song:
(insert numb hazy face person doing this with only one hand as the other is holding a fat joint and feels too heavy to lift -> \m/)
I love alternative people. Even if they are poor, ugly, jobless, without a degree, living off pizza crumbs and dirty clothes; the scum of the earth, making ordinary people look totally ordinary and boring. Take an extremely famous pop song, place it next to an ugly, weird sounding alternative tune. What will happen is that the majority will choose the pop song as their favorite because they find safety and comfort in easily digested things, whether that is a song, a job, a car, a way of life.
Bottom line is that anything too ordinary tends to become boring, while an alternative approach to life and way of things gives a more special touch, "spice" and might give true excitement in your everyday life. The consequences? I think they vary, so it could be a bad idea, but, if you're not ordinary enough, i'm sure you can at least give it a try!